Vegan Food Orders Surge in Hong Kong

#VeganFood | According to Deliveroo, plant-based food orders have had a large growth spike in Hong Kong since the pandemic hit. Orders had surged by over 100% in 2019 and have increased a further 20% since January.
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This Piglet Narrowly Escaped Slaughter hellip
#Hellip | Whether you have a child or not, just imagine infants no more than a week old—delicate and dependent on their mothers. Most human babies are brought into a world that showers them with tender love and…

13 Best Home Remedies For Hair Fall And Regrowth In A Week
#Home | Do you want to know how to stop hair loss immediately? If yes, So here Effective natural home remedies for hair fall and regrowth at home.

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups
#PeanutButterCups | These homemade peanut butter cups are SO delicious and easy to make! Satisfy your chocolate craving with this vegan, gluten-free, 4-ingredient dessert.

The Best Vegan Mashed Potatoes
#Mashed | These fluffy vegan mashed potatoes are rich, creamy, and buttery!  Make a bowl of these quick and easy mashed potatoes topped with vegan butter or gravy for a delicious addition to any meal.


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